Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Evil Ghost

Apologies for the day in uploading this guy, I ended up getting pretty sucked in with 3D and forgot about him >_>"
Turns out I was half way through the side view so I'll pop up the Front view for now and in about 30 mins - 1 Hour I'll add the side view onto this as well.
Once the side view's fixed I'll make sure the separate views match in size and then they'll be on dropbox in the next hour or 2 as well.

Also sorry if the feet look weird :T Elongated toes apparently aren't my forte - nor was his mouth, which is hanging open a lot. I should also point out, although it looks like the side view is higher and off alignment from the front, I checked that everything matches, they only thing that's off is the feet - the ankles are correct, it's simply that in the front view they are pointed downwards and in the side view they are flat. I tried to use a skeleton ref to get the ribs right, but they're just visible because he's thin and hungry ;)
As for his general height, he's pretty lanky, and stretched out, so definitely taller than Aaron's height. We're looking closer to around 7ft I think? Katie, please correct me if i'm wrong =u="
Aaand now they are also on dropbox (along with the photoshop file) - sorry for the wait! :)

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