Friday 8 March 2013

**Jackdate** - More items texture, including unwrappign other peoples stuff

Ok started to unwrap and texture other people assets as well now. Maya to Max isn't the best, plains can come in twisted and have to have the normals flipped on them. I've notice Chloe managed to do it and I trying to remember to do, but need remember to name objects what they are so that their not 'box1' or 'plain1' etc. Don't know if you can name the objects in Maya, its just because those names carry over into unity.

Also feeling like I should list what assets are full textured at moment:
- Washing machine
- Tumble dryer
- Cat basket
- Laundry basket
- Painting 2
- Flowers in tub (May revisit this)
- Toolbox
- Mushroom
- Dolls house (May revisit this)
- Vase
- Vase 2
- Teddybear
- Cubboard 
- Draws

Thing maybe one or two more can't remember and not sure where they're located on the box.

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