Wednesday 7 November 2012

This is from the course handbook, there is no unit handbook.

The Portfolio submission will comprise of these assessment tasks:
 Task 1: A presentation of your ideas [min 10 slides] for your task 1 of this portfolio in 
week 2 or 3 [10-15 minutes] using PowerPoint or other approved formats.
 Task 2: You will be required to submit a number of outcomes which should include 
workbooks, research files, work in progress using processing, character or environment 
design in the development of 2D art, 3D art, drawn, diagnostic development of story and 
treatment of devising a working game.

This is all the information we have about the actual hand in on the 19th of this month.

FUCK EVERYTHING. Bother. Going to have to bug a tutor about this. 

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