Thursday 1 November 2012

Slight Slow

So after the trip things have quietened down on here a fair bit, I apologise for my lack of input, after the trip mine and Chloes boiler decided to die on us and the past couple days have mainly been sitting all wrapped up in front of an electric heater. CRAIG I dunno what stage you're at but we don't have much time left so I think don't make the room separately and just get the house grey boxed out, then we can focus on one of the rooms in there. I'll knock up some more blueprints with a list of where we can go during the demo and where we cant. I want to get this done by the 17th, giving us a couple days to sort things out.

Chloe-Finish character information and concepts.
Jack- Finish up any textures we need and try some unwrapping (I'm putting up photos from the trip in a little bit)
Craig-Greybox out the house and then detail a single bedroom.
Katie- Create a visual walkthrough for the game using blueprints, put all photographs up online and elaborate on the production bible.

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