Saturday 3 November 2012


Short dirty blonde hair with a hint of a quiff at the front, (kept short for less hassle?).
Small Light blue eyes, a slightly arching nose, thin lips and a squared jaw. Faint stubble and hint of a
dimple in his left cheek (for character?! :D)
His eyes a shadowed slightly due to work tiring him out.
Generally smart clothing however a bit "ruffled" or just untidy.
Probably a dress shirt and jacket with no tie, any kind of trousers and old trainers for comfort.

An approachable guy, though a little cynical. He has a hard time believing in things unless they show them-
selves to him. He's also pretty collected, reacting to testing situations calmly or at least logically - for
example when the power runs out he goes to fix the problem, and upon his first encounter with the ghost
rather that run, his response is to get rid of it.

Rough Sketch:

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