Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Final Post

So yeah, my posting has been a little bit lack recently but I have been working flat out because of THE CRUNCH so I hope you will forgive me for it. The demo is complete (or as complete as it's going to get) I took it into uni today to try sort out shadows in pro but there was a problem where the computer refused to build the game and so I went home. I am putting three versions of the game in my dropbox folder for you guys to try out once it's finished syncing. The different versions have different render settings so look at the jpgs to see which version is the best for you to try.



two part video of what we have at the moment, a few more assets have gotten in since this but the code is all pretty much in place for these videos. In case it won't get onto dropbox.

I've already warned all of you that at midnight I will make a pdf of the blog to give out to everyone via dropbox so if you want to say anything else, say it now :) Be proud of yourselves guys I think we've worked very well together! 

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Quick update, been dealing with some stuff recently so not been updating properly sorry.

I have been working on some assets for the music room; the guitar, the piano stool, a music sheet stand and a box of misc music wiff waff :P

I have also been working on the cat. I have been having a bit of trouble working with maya and fixing some skin tearing issues, i'm going to be working through it with emma over the next few days.

I have put all my completed fbx's up on dropbox.

~Edit~ I have noticed that I have actually left the music sheet stand and box of wiff waff on the uni computer so I will upload them when I next go in.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

**Jackdate** - Texturing faster

Okey Katie told me today about just uvw mapping, instead of doing a full uvw unwrap. Since I've got quiet a few texture tiles already, I've managed to texture 5 assets today. Instead of the one asset I usally do a day (UVW unwrap > save template > upload to dropbox > Photoshop > upload to drop box when done). Ofcourse this only really useful on assets that don't need special detail, or can just have a texture that tiles one way like on side of can, pen, cup, etc.

So to remind that these assets need to go in:


- Book1
- Book1_2_1
- BarOfSoap&Tray
- Jar
- Cup
- KitchenRoll
- WritingDesk

Also not sure if these have been put in yet either so:



Eater>Jack>Textures>HouseTextures>Jpeg files:

- GroundFloor_Normal2.png (most up to date version, no more rubber boards)
- housefacadelarge
- GardenSideWall
- rearwall1
- sidewall1

Quick Update

Katie asked me to make some minor assets for the larder and for outside the house, I have just uploaded the following

  • Flour pot
  • ketchup bottle
  • salt and pepper grinders
  • sack of potatoes
  • trash can
  • bin bag
also I have got some assets for the music room

  • Music stand (for sheet music)
  • Guitar
  • recorder
  • box of general papers and rolled up sheet music
  • metronome

Renders of More Minor Assets


For all these seperate updates, I'm not feeling that well so everything I do today feels like it's going to be the last thing I do. I have inserted Jacks new GUI textures for the instructions.


I have them working though I'm waiting on our sound guy for a better sound, will post a youtube video after it's all updated.


this is the sound that's in right now, it's pretty harsh sounding.

another one



Everything that's in the game as of last night, I have a list of things to work through to make it more complete by hand in.

Friday, 26 April 2013

**Jackdate** Soooooooap!

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooap! *In Captain Price voice* I spent way to long searching youtube for clip of him saying that... couldn't find it. Oh well yeah... soap.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Much needed update by mooooi~

Apologies for forgetting to update - I forget to post on here after showing Katie seeing as we live together >_>"

Alll the things and stuff *u*



Ok I've gotten the ghost to work just fine, without baking :) not sure why uni required it to work but the idle animation is in. I need to set up trigger boxes for it to appear and fade out. I have also constructed a list of everything else I need to accomplish this week. Hopefully we can spend all of the 2nd to the hand in date sorting out our own paperwork and the presentation if I get this done in time!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Quick **Jackdate** - Ghost Model Texture

So worked on make the ghost texture today, only really test at moment. Also have a quick transparent attempt to see if it was working right.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Ghost Renders

I have finished the ghost and I am just waiting for the textures to be completed by Jack so I can begin animating.

I know I could begin now but I have a feeling I will cock something up along the way and the texture won't work.

Doors are go

Friday, 19 April 2013


The textured main character is animating just fine, I have put in all the assets Jack has listed to me, let me know if any are finished and textured, or even finished and untextured so I can get on getting them into the game. All prompts are now working and I will work on getting all doors working now that the hinges have suddenly decided to behave :)

**Jackdate** - I have been quiet for while

Sorry haven't been posted in while, have just been busy work loads on making textures and assets.

Going list as many as I can that are done, incase they haven't been put in yet.
Along with dropbox location.

- TV
- Vase2 (done ages ago was first asset, but don't think its in yet)
- Plate+Stand
- Doorknob
- Larder shelves (untextured)

Jack>3D>Laundry Room
-Laundry Basket (untextured)

-Toolbox (maybe in, but not sure)

Chloe>Textured Assets

Chloe>Unwrapped Assets
-Book1 (untextured)
-Book1_2 (untextured)
-Kitchen Table (in progress as you are reading this)
-Painting3 (untextured)

-Softener Bottle

I think these are the assets that haven't been put in yet, there has been more done and textured but I think they are all already in.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Unwrapped Main Char

Unwrapped and ready to go, the texture is a placeholder and can be swapped out easily within unity.

Starting to figure out animations


atm it's attatched to the character, it loops fine but i am leaving it for now until I get an unwrapped version. 

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Animation triggers are all fixed to only play once, so now when you walk up to the house a movement sensitive light turns on, and after entering the house the power goes off and a prompt shows to go find the torch,

Thursday, 4 April 2013

garden statue

you can see the cross hair I made in this screenshot.

another mini update

curtains, not the most beautiful but functional and better than having nothing.

short update

mouse is now centered and replaced the default cursor for a small light grey crosshair :)

Saturday, 30 March 2013


Made a fancy rose arch and popped some bushes in, I also made some placeholders for solar powered lamps, to guide you towards the house, makes the scenes look more visually interesting. On a similar note I've added a red light to the kitchen sourced from a smoke alarm, figured it looked pretty ominous :) I also got sound triggers to work today, pretty simple but I was just worried that they wouldn't work because they wouldn't in the cinematic scene and Tanguy couldn't figure it out. The top scene is what you'll see upon level start, figuredf it made a nice opening scene, minus the placeholders that is :D If anyone wants more assets to do over the holidays just let me know, I've already given Chloe a nice big list!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The Evil Ghost

Apologies for the day in uploading this guy, I ended up getting pretty sucked in with 3D and forgot about him >_>"
Turns out I was half way through the side view so I'll pop up the Front view for now and in about 30 mins - 1 Hour I'll add the side view onto this as well.
Once the side view's fixed I'll make sure the separate views match in size and then they'll be on dropbox in the next hour or 2 as well.

Also sorry if the feet look weird :T Elongated toes apparently aren't my forte - nor was his mouth, which is hanging open a lot. I should also point out, although it looks like the side view is higher and off alignment from the front, I checked that everything matches, they only thing that's off is the feet - the ankles are correct, it's simply that in the front view they are pointed downwards and in the side view they are flat. I tried to use a skeleton ref to get the ribs right, but they're just visible because he's thin and hungry ;)
As for his general height, he's pretty lanky, and stretched out, so definitely taller than Aaron's height. We're looking closer to around 7ft I think? Katie, please correct me if i'm wrong =u="
Aaand now they are also on dropbox (along with the photoshop file) - sorry for the wait! :)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

I know it's dark but...

I wanted to show off an idea I had to attach very very tiny point lights to the cat, it shines off the surface of the cats face creating an illusion of being reflective but far simpler to accomplish. The cellar is also complete and just needs unwrapping and filling up! :)

Friday, 22 March 2013

Computer Format Complete

Took a lot longer than originally anticipated, but it is finally done. All data backed up, system wiped and now updates installing. I will try to do some project stuff after work tomorrow and sunday to make up for the time lost.

Hopefully all the work I do complete will be much more secure now my computer won't throw its dummy out every couple of hours.


God damn computer

Over the past few days, windows has been crashing when I boot up my pc in the morning, I have been able to get around it by starting in safe mode, restoring to a previous point and then starting it at the last known good configuration. Although this has worked temporarily, it keeps reappearing.

I am a bit concerned about the safety of my work so I have decided to back up the entire computer on Emma's external HDD and format the entire computer, I'm not sure how long this will take as I'm working with about 600GB of data, but I will hopefully be back to working by this evening.

I'll keep you updated when needed.


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Cat Finished!

Have uploaded an fbx into my fbx dropbox folder! This might be a good opportunity to try learn CAT rigging and use the panther build :)



Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Cat progress

need to make feet but yeah :) cat

Update 20.03.2013

Had a conversation with Craig today about work and general organisation, he's supplied me with both characters sitting down for the cinematic and has completed the main characters walk cycle. His tasks for the next couple days are to fix the female characters shoulders during the walk cycle, to organise his dropbox folder and if there is time at the weekend, taking into account work, to complete the chair that can be duplicated for the kitchen table.

I was working on scripting but i might leave it until Tuesday when the specialist comes into uni, I've been getting a little aggro trying to do it myself today, so I have been working on the model for craigs next animation walk cycle, a cat. I'm nearly done and will upload a render when it's complete :) 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Computer was making a grinding noise this morning so was wary of turning it on to get renders, luckily it was only a wire to close to a fan :)

Sunday, 17 March 2013


So I grabbed Craigs kitchen counters and just extruded the front section a tiny bit, only took a short moment then textured it and whacked it in there with some other assets.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Reference Images Have Moved!

They were taking up a fair amount of Dropbox space, so I've transferred them to Imgur.

The link to the Album is: http://imgur.com/a/jnnIa
I made it so that only those with the link can access them so that hopefully not too many people will be able to see the place :S
I'll remove them towards the end of the project for you Gran's security etc.
Hope this is all okay~?


Hope to have it finished in its entirety tomorrow, pretty pleased with how the sofa came out though :)

Saturday, 9 March 2013


Is pretty much complete though I will leave uploading it til tomorrow night when some more audio will be added in :)


So we're not on Tanguy's priority list for this week, but I would still like to meet up after class with Littman which I assume is on, I want to go over the work people have done so far and organise more work for the future. I should have the main part of the cinematic up tonight, without the characters sitting in the carseats.

Friday, 8 March 2013

**Jackdate** - More items texture, including unwrappign other peoples stuff

Ok started to unwrap and texture other people assets as well now. Maya to Max isn't the best, plains can come in twisted and have to have the normals flipped on them. I've notice Chloe managed to do it and I trying to remember to do, but need remember to name objects what they are so that their not 'box1' or 'plain1' etc. Don't know if you can name the objects in Maya, its just because those names carry over into unity.

Also feeling like I should list what assets are full textured at moment:
- Washing machine
- Tumble dryer
- Cat basket
- Laundry basket
- Painting 2
- Flowers in tub (May revisit this)
- Toolbox
- Mushroom
- Dolls house (May revisit this)
- Vase
- Vase 2
- Teddybear
- Cubboard 
- Draws

Thing maybe one or two more can't remember and not sure where they're located on the box.