Friday 19 April 2013

**Jackdate** - I have been quiet for while

Sorry haven't been posted in while, have just been busy work loads on making textures and assets.

Going list as many as I can that are done, incase they haven't been put in yet.
Along with dropbox location.

- TV
- Vase2 (done ages ago was first asset, but don't think its in yet)
- Plate+Stand
- Doorknob
- Larder shelves (untextured)

Jack>3D>Laundry Room
-Laundry Basket (untextured)

-Toolbox (maybe in, but not sure)

Chloe>Textured Assets

Chloe>Unwrapped Assets
-Book1 (untextured)
-Book1_2 (untextured)
-Kitchen Table (in progress as you are reading this)
-Painting3 (untextured)

-Softener Bottle

I think these are the assets that haven't been put in yet, there has been more done and textured but I think they are all already in.

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