Monday 29 October 2012

A Few Ideas

So we got a fair number of reference photos today, but wandering around at night has given us a much better idea of the environment we want. Just a couple examples include a particle system for breath outside, birds flapping in the trees, branches snapping and water dripping onto soft ground. Photos will probably go up tomorrow.

Sunday 28 October 2012

About 1,000 polys, Craig could you check him over for me? I think there are a couple odd bits in him...

Trip Update

Ok so I was thinking that we all meet somewhere (we'll have a chat about where when you guys get online) at 10 and leave at about 10:30. My gran says everyone needs to bring WELLIES! Don't forget about bringing your own food and pjs, all the beds are made up for us so there's no need to bring blankets or anything like that but you might want to bring a towel/soap in case you want to have a shower or just wash up.

Thanks to Chloe we have all the equipment we need, so here's hoping we get some good photos/footage.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Wood textures

Its been hard to create a wood texture tile that looks natural, I think it would be best to unwrap wooden objects and create UVW textures for them. As I can tile texture on the template and edit ti to look more natural and add other details like stains and aging so that each surface looks different.

So I quickly knocked up a matching bedside table/drawers that match the main chest of drawers. I also tested the vase with a texture Jack made.

Ming vase texture

Created texture tile for the vase, it only tiles horizontally since it only needs wrap round the vase like a label on a can.

Just a little item for the room

Friday 26 October 2012

Update on equipment

Just a quick update, I've managed to take out a stills camera and two camcorders.
Also, the guy at the equipment hire has offered us his help should we need to do a later shoot (for example if we chose to make a trailer including real footage/shots for our portfolio of places of interest etc) as he does professional lighting in his spare time which he would do for free with all of his own equipment.
Thought it would be best to mention that should we need something like this in the future it's something to think about :)

Thursday 25 October 2012

Test room textures so far...

Ok here is a list of the textures for the test room I've done so far over yesterday and today.

3x Darkwood textures (All failed attempts, wood seems rather hard to do)
1x Brass
2x Beam (Plain and white)
1x Ceiling
1x Quilt
1x Pillow
1x Wallpaper (May do another one)

Let me know what others ones need doing. May also want to do UVW's instead of just texture tiles.

Optimised Wardrobe

Here's a picture of the finished wardrobe which Katie helped optimise

God dam technology

I modelled the bed, the beam, the window and started work on a lamp but something went wrong and they have been corrupted, all but a previous version of the bed. I will start on the other assets again tonight and hopefully have something to show tomorrow.

Here is the current state of the bed.

I need to redo the frilly thing and also the headboard. any other suggestions would be appreciated aswell :).


Ok so Chloe had an idea to rent out a couple powerful torches/lights from uni along with a nice camera and a video camera. We'll get this sorted tomorrow hopefully with the rental lasting until Wednesday. Though we are renting these I suggest if you have a torch/camera of your own you bring it.

I'll speak to my gran one more time before we leave but the basic plan is we all meet up at 10am on Monday and I'll drive everyone to her house in Kent, it'll take about 2 1/2 hours. You'll need to bring your own food/drink but bear in mind that frozen stuff won't last the trip. We'll head back sometime in the afternoon on Tuesday, prolly stopping at McDonald's on the way back. JUST BECAUSE.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Texture Test

So I just whacked a couple textures Jack made onto planes and tiled them 3 times each just to see how they look, they look pretty damn good =D especially the floral quilt. Everyone remember to update on the blog every time you do work because we'll most likely have to put this blog forward as a pdf for hand in.

Ok so the poly count has been reduced to 2,394. 1,210 without the drawer handles.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Ok so....

The poly count must be way too high, I don't want to say anything so CRAIG.... how many polys do you think is appropriate? I'll try optimize it...

Youtube Reference

Becca told me to check out this video but I can't watch this as we are still sitting through the presentations, here it is:

Monday 22 October 2012

Weekly Brief

As an example of the size of the room to show off our abilities, skip to 6:00 mins in. It basically has all the objects needed to fill the room in there too so we'll follow this as a basic example of what do.

List of Items

BED- Divan
TEDDY BEAR? - Not necessary

List of Textures
DINGY WHITE CLOTH- for pillows and sheets
DARK WOOD TEXTURE- X2 - slight variations
BEIGE CLOTH- for lampshade/curtains


 Is everyone in agreement? I'll write up a list of who should do what in a little bit... but f**k am I tired from today.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Video example of desaturated gameplay

After the Q & A for our game, the lectures mentioned that wouldn't mind seeing the game in a more black and white style and it made me think of the intro game play of Fatal Frame.

Game play should start 2:22 into the video.
The black and white part is only for the intro part of the game however, when you switch to play as the MC colours return to normal and I'm pretty sure only desaturates when ghosts show up (that part could happen in later games I'll have to check).

Green Light

So our presentation seemed to go reasonably well, and since we got given the green light I decided it was high time to set up a blog to display our progress. The only part of our presentation that's in question was the 3d art style. It was suggested that we become more stylised, aiming for black and white, possibly with a vignette.... I don't agree 100% with this, but suggest that we aim for mildly desaturated colours and rather than having a vignette (which I feel would detach the player from the main character) having fairly muted lighting.

Between now and the trip on the 29th I'd suggest that we finish a test room which I can then add some lighting and trigger boxes to, showing our ability and style at a basic level. I'll discuss this with craig tomorrow and write/hand out a list of tasks to everyone in the afternoon.

Production Bible: 19/10/12

Green Light Power Point: 19/10/12

Tomorrow I assume that in the tutorial we'll mostly be talking about 3d art styles. So post up any appropriate pictures to this blog and we'll go through them as a group tomorrow with Tanguy.