Tuesday 7 May 2013

Final Post

So yeah, my posting has been a little bit lack recently but I have been working flat out because of THE CRUNCH so I hope you will forgive me for it. The demo is complete (or as complete as it's going to get) I took it into uni today to try sort out shadows in pro but there was a problem where the computer refused to build the game and so I went home. I am putting three versions of the game in my dropbox folder for you guys to try out once it's finished syncing. The different versions have different render settings so look at the jpgs to see which version is the best for you to try.



two part video of what we have at the moment, a few more assets have gotten in since this but the code is all pretty much in place for these videos. In case it won't get onto dropbox.

I've already warned all of you that at midnight I will make a pdf of the blog to give out to everyone via dropbox so if you want to say anything else, say it now :) Be proud of yourselves guys I think we've worked very well together! 

Sunday 28 April 2013


Quick update, been dealing with some stuff recently so not been updating properly sorry.

I have been working on some assets for the music room; the guitar, the piano stool, a music sheet stand and a box of misc music wiff waff :P

I have also been working on the cat. I have been having a bit of trouble working with maya and fixing some skin tearing issues, i'm going to be working through it with emma over the next few days.

I have put all my completed fbx's up on dropbox.

~Edit~ I have noticed that I have actually left the music sheet stand and box of wiff waff on the uni computer so I will upload them when I next go in.

Saturday 27 April 2013

**Jackdate** - Texturing faster

Okey Katie told me today about just uvw mapping, instead of doing a full uvw unwrap. Since I've got quiet a few texture tiles already, I've managed to texture 5 assets today. Instead of the one asset I usally do a day (UVW unwrap > save template > upload to dropbox > Photoshop > upload to drop box when done). Ofcourse this only really useful on assets that don't need special detail, or can just have a texture that tiles one way like on side of can, pen, cup, etc.

So to remind that these assets need to go in:


- Book1
- Book1_2_1
- BarOfSoap&Tray
- Jar
- Cup
- KitchenRoll
- WritingDesk

Also not sure if these have been put in yet either so:



Eater>Jack>Textures>HouseTextures>Jpeg files:

- GroundFloor_Normal2.png (most up to date version, no more rubber boards)
- housefacadelarge
- GardenSideWall
- rearwall1
- sidewall1

Quick Update

Katie asked me to make some minor assets for the larder and for outside the house, I have just uploaded the following

  • Flour pot
  • ketchup bottle
  • salt and pepper grinders
  • sack of potatoes
  • trash can
  • bin bag
also I have got some assets for the music room

  • Music stand (for sheet music)
  • Guitar
  • recorder
  • box of general papers and rolled up sheet music
  • metronome

Renders of More Minor Assets


For all these seperate updates, I'm not feeling that well so everything I do today feels like it's going to be the last thing I do. I have inserted Jacks new GUI textures for the instructions.